Ghost Math

Auxiliary Table

Math Element Latex Code
+ (Plus) +
- (Minus) -
x (Times) \times
/ (Division) \div
≠ (Not Equals) \neq
≤ (Less Than or Equal) \leq
≥ (Greater Than or Equal) \geq
∞ (Infinity) \infty
α (Alpha) \alpha
β (Beta) \beta
γ (Gamma) \gamma
δ (Delta) \delta
ε (Epsilon) \varepsilon
ζ (Zeta) \zeta
η (Eta) \eta
θ (Theta) \theta
λ (Lambda) \lambda
μ (Mu) \mu
π (Pi) \pi
σ (Sigma) \sigma
x² (x squared) x^2
x₀ (x subscript zero) x_0
aⁱ (a to the power of i) a^i
1/2​ (One-half) \frac{1}{2}
sin(x) \sin(x)
cos(x) \cos(x)
tan(x) \tan(x)
cot(x) \cot(x)
log(x) (base 10 logarithm) \log(x)
i=1∑n​xi​ (Sum from i=1 to n of x_i) \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} x_i
∫ (Integral) \int
∮ (Contour integral) \oint
∂ (Partial derivative) \partial
∇ (Gradient) \nabla
∝ (Proportional to) \propto
∥ (Parallel) \parallel
¬ (Not) \neg
∧ (Logical and) \wedge
∨ (Logical or) \vee
∃ (Exists) \exists
∀ (For all) \forall
∅ (Empty set) \emptyset
[ ] (Matrix) \begin{bmatrix} ... \ ... \ \end{bmatrix}
ℝ (Real numbers) \mathbb{R}
ℂ (Complex numbers) \mathbb{C}
ℤ (Integers) \mathbb{Z}
ℚ (Rational numbers) \mathbb{Q}
ℵ (Aleph, infinity) \aleph
𝔽 (Finite field) \mathbb{F}
⇔ (If and only if) \Leftrightarrow
≢ (Congruent) \cong
⊊ (Not equivalent) \not\equiv
⊂ (Subset) \subset
⊃ (Superset) \supset
⊆ (Subset or equal) \subseteq
⊇ (Superset or equal) \supseteq
ℕ (Natural numbers) \mathbb{N}
→ (Right arrow) \rightarrow
← (Left arrow) \leftarrow
⇔ (Double-headed arrow) \Leftrightarrow
↦ (Right map) \mapsto
↾ (Downward projection) \downarrow